April Upcoming Event – Looking Up! Spring Into Galaxies (4/17/21)

Hi all,

Last month we explored the Messier catalog, which features a variety of objects, from distant nebulae to bright star clusters. This month, we’re narrowing our focus a bit and seeking out those spring “faint fuzzies” — aka galaxies! Come out and join us next Saturday (4/17) at 8:30PM for a virtual tour of April’s finest galactic objects.

What makes spring the optimal season for hunting galaxies? What is Markarian’s Chain? And why do we get so excited over these fuzzy spirals and blobs? If you have questions like this, tune in to get the answers, supplemented with a variety of live images and presentations from our members. Don’t forget that any other galaxy questions you may have can be asked, live, in the Facebook chat or beforehand by using the form on the following page https://www.buffaloastronomy.com/ask-the-astronomer/

You’ll be able to catch the stream once it goes live on our Facebook page, or on our Youtube channel. Keep your fingers crossed for good galaxy-viewing weather, and see you then!


April 2021 Online General Meeting

Hi all,

Hope everyone is enjoying these warmer days. Be sure and join us this Friday (4/9) at 7PM for our April online general meeting. This month, we’ll be having a talk from fellow member Martin Pepe, who will be speaking on the dawn of cosmic chemistry. Sounds quite mysterious! Martin is a wonderful speaker and I’ve had the pleasure of hearing his presentations at other club meetings, so I’m sure this one will be great too. The email with the Zoom invite went out yesterday, so please check your inbox for it, and reach out to Mike Humphrey if you don’t find anything.

As always, instructions on joining a Zoom meeting can be found at this link: https://www.buffaloastronomy.com/may-2020-online-general-meeting/ See you then.
